When patients wish to improve the color, shape, size, or length of their teeth, Isle Smile dentists may recommend dental veneers in Key West, Florida. Dental veneers are thin shells that are custom made of tooth-colored materials. They are bonded to the front surfaces of the teeth to improve your smile’s appearance.
Dental veneers are made from either resin or porcelain. Porcelain veneers resist stains and mimic the natural light reflecting properties of natural teeth better than composite resin. However, resin veneers are thinner, so they do not require as much tooth enamel removal prior to placement. Ask our dentists which veneer material is right for you.
Dental veneers have many advantages. They look natural and they can make crooked teeth appear straighter and discolored teeth appear whiter in less time (and typically for less cost) than traditional or Invisalign® braces. Dental veneers are a conservative approach to improving the look of your smile.
Feel free to contact Isle Smile today to learn more and to schedule your next appointment with Dr. Pape, Dr. Ramjit and our team.