Your Questions About Dentures Answered

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Have you lost some or all of your permanent teeth? This can make it difficult to do things that used to be simple, like eating and speaking. Dr. Sandy Pape may suggest dentures in Key West, Florida, to restore the beauty and functionality of your smile.

How do dentures work?
Your dentures will be custom made to ensure optimal fit and functionality. Full dentures consist of a flesh-colored base (that fits over the gums) with replacement teeth attached. The lower denture is shaped like a horseshoe to allow room for the tongue. The upper denture generally covers the roof of the mouth.

How should I care for my dentures?
Please remove and clean your dentures every day. Rinse your dentures in cool water. Then, use a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove food deposits and plaque. To keep your dentures from warping or drying out, place them in water or a denture cleaning solution overnight. It is important that you continue to brush your gums, any remaining teeth, and your tongue.

How long do dentures last?
Dentures will need to be remade, realigned, or rebased after some time because of normal wear. In addition, as you age, your mouth will naturally change, causing dentures to loosen. Have your dentures checked by our dentist at least once a year.

We invite you to contact Isle Smile at 305-293-1660 today for more information about your new dentures and to schedule a checkup.